Sunday, May 15, 2011


Here is another wrestler design. will be doing more wrestlers soon.
Here is the original rough sketch of my wrestler. as you can see, he came a looong way from initial sketch to finished" inks"! I took this pic with my blackberry and uploaded it into illustrator CS3. tThen i created another layer on top, dropped the opacity down to about 50% and" inked" it with the pen tool. email me if you have any questions or need tips on using the pen tool like this.

what's up! well, i'm gonna start this blog off with one of the MANY designs i'm currently working on. this is an idea i came up  with after getting the idea to design a luchador (mexican wrestler) face mask. i only wanted to do a series of mask designs, but i ended up doing a full sketch. this design was done in illustrator CS3 and i'm pretty happy with it. will post the original sketch i did so you can see how the idea developed from paper to computer.